Friday, June 29, 2012

A Realization

Dear Diary,

While doing some shopping and running of errands in Solitude, I went to sell some gems to the court wizard Sybille.  As I reached out to collect her payment I looked into her eyes and realized they were a fiery orange.  A vampire!  My heart skipped a beat and I quickly excused myself from the room.  Without raising suspicion I asked around and no one seemed to know about it.  Call it a coincidence but the Vampire problem in Skyrim is worse than I thought.  This will have to wait.

Until next time,

- ST


  1. Awesome blog man, I have read all up to this one. When is there going to be an update? I am an aspiring blogger and will be posting one soon, wondering if you will read and let me know what you think. Will provide link soon, keep up the good work.

  2. Sorry I just saw this. I just havent had time much to play with real life things going on. I have been buying the DLCs and piddling around sometimes, but not often.

    I really miss writing. I hope to add more sometime. I also might go back and do Morrowind sometime.

    Glad you liked what you read! Thanks for posting.
